Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm going to try to write a screen play.

I never knew how to write one, but I found this website where they have them. I'm going to write up Somebody Did a Doogie In This Cab?!?! as a short screen play. I only have to review one more of them and Zoetrope will let me post one. It has to be in PDF format, but I think the PDF reader I got from them will do it, otherwise I think I can produce such a file on my macbook.

For those of you unfamilliar with my alter ego the cab driver, this was for many years, an absolute favorite cab story to tell. It happened close to 20 years ago. I can remember trying to get Lief my neighbor to do it, before I learned how to write. Learned how to write? Ah, well, I was functionally illiterate when I graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison, and aquiring the skill is something that has only happened in the last couple of years. No, I'm not kidding. I have a degree in Computer Science because it was a program I could get through with only taking 2 courses that required me to write papers, and no courses that required lab's like Chemistry.

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